- gálgi
- m.виселица
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
Old Norse-ensk orðabók. 2013.
galgi — prt. žr. gal: Galgi nežinai, koks par juos vargas? Trgn. Galgi sugrįšiu nors už metelių Vp. Ieškoti ieškočia, galgi ir surasčia TŽI138. Galgi bus gerai ir taip, kaip tu sakai? Sml … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
vaikas — vaĩkas sm. (4) KI421,685, KGr112, Sch 133,142, L, Š, Rtr; SD116,28, SD283,549, Sut, I, BzB337, LsB187 1. R, R85,223, MŽ, MŽ112,297, LL29 tėvams sūnus ar duktė: Tas tėvas turi daug vaikų̃ K. Bit jam daugis vaikų̃ Zt. Visas džiaugsmas su vaikaĩs… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Galgen — Sm std. (8. Jh.), mhd. galge, ahd. galga f., galgo m., as. galgo Stammwort. Aus g. * galgōn m. Galgen , auch in gt. galga, anord. galgi, ae. gealga, afr. galga. Das Vergleichsmaterial zeigt, daß damit ursprünglich ein biegsamer Stamm bezeichnet… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
nupūsti nupučia nupūtė — nupū̃sti, nùpučia, nùpūtė 1. tr. Štk pučiant nugairinti (apie vėją): Puspūrę bulvių atkišo, ir tos pačios vėjo nupūstos, žaliuonim paėjusios J.Balt. Nors vėjo nupūsta, tečiaus buvo čiuini, niekas už baidyklę į kanapius negalėjo statyti M.Valanč … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
parietėti — 1 parietėti 1. Lkm žr. pariedėti 1: Vos tai ištarė, akmuo toliaus parietėjo M.Valanč. Parietėjo akmuo Grž. Parietėk truputį, ir sukas galva Ds. Kai tas žiedas parietė[jo], visas dvaras sudrebė[jo] (d.) Tvr. 2. intr. pasiristi (po kuo): Vaikų… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Gallamore — Recorded in several spelling forms including Gallamore, Gallymore, Gallimore, Gallemore and Galamore, this is an English locational surname. It originates from a now lost medieval village, which was probably in East Anglia, although this is by no … Surnames reference
Gallemore — Recorded in several spelling forms including Gallamore, Gallymore, Gallimore, Gallemore and Galamore, this is an English locational surname. It originates from a now lost medieval village, which was probably in East Anglia, although this is by no … Surnames reference
Gallimore — Recorded in several spelling forms including Gallamore, Gallymore, Gallimore, Gallemore and Galamore, this is an English locational surname. It originates from a now lost medieval village, which was probably in East Anglia, although this is by no … Surnames reference
Gallymore — Recorded in several spelling forms including Gallamore, Gallymore, Gallimore, Gallemore and Galamore, this is an English locational surname. It originates from a now lost medieval village, which was probably in East Anglia, although this is by no … Surnames reference
gallows — [13] Gallows was probably borrowed from Old Norse gálgi (the related Old English galga does not seem to have survived into the Middle English period). Both go back to a prehistoric Germanic *galgon ‘pole’, whose descendants, which also include… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
gallows — c.1300, plural of Middle English galwe gallows (mid 13c.), from O.N. galgi gallows, or from O.E. galga (Mercian), gealga (W. Saxon) gallows; all from P.Gmc. *galgon pole (Cf. O.Fris. galga, M.H.G. galge gallows, cross, Ger. Galgen gallows, Goth … Etymology dictionary